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The comedian and actress has written a brilliant memoir about her life and long career.She tells Maureen Paton about the ups and downs of being one of Britain’s funniest women.


Helen Lederer was the first stand-up comedian in the country to show the funny side of being a single mother,with chaotic anecdotes about coping with a squally baby,nightmare nannies and nappy bags.As she explains in her blisteringly honest new memoir,Not That I’m Bitter, ‘the awkwardness of the whole thing was funny-and I knew I had to be authentic with audiences to make them laugh’.


That was back in1991,when her husband of two years,the journalist Roger Alton,walked out on her when she was 36 and their daughter was a year old.Although she says that Alton ‘has always been very present in Hannah’s life’,that was the end of what she calls ‘the domestie set-up’.

那是在1991年,当时莱德勒36岁,女儿刚满一岁,结婚两年的丈夫——记者罗杰·奥尔顿 (Roger Alton) 抛弃了她。尽管莱德勒说奥尔顿“一直存在于汉娜(莱德勒的女儿)的生活中”,但那次婚姻却结束了她所谓的“家庭生活”。

So she wrote about what she knew,as writers are always advised to do,when she returned to the comedy coal face to restart a performing career that had begun nearly ten years previously,when she was one of the few female comedians on the scene.Lederer’s speciality was a brand of nervous middle-class comedy,at a time when women’s insecurities were not a fashionable subject in the gladiatorial arena of mostly male stand-ups,so sharing the tribulations of single motherhood was an obvious niche.’Nowadays women comedians do talk about children and stuff,but back then nobody did,’she says.


The book could be said to be her bravest step of all,revealing her struggles with weight,low self-csteem,addiction to diet pills and steroid injections,as well as her now 34-year-old daughter’s short-lived anorexia.’Hannah gave me her blessing to include it since it’s in the past-and I hope that will be of help to others.I couldn’t omit anything because you can’t cherry-pick if you’re doing a memoir.Doing something this personal has been quite a huge thing-but it was so important for me.

这本书可以说是她最勇敢的一步,揭露了她与体重、自卑感、减肥药和类固醇注射上瘾以及她现在 34 岁女儿的短暂性厌食症的斗争。“汉娜(莱德勒的女儿)同意我将它包括进去,因为它已经过去了 – 我希望这会对其他人有所帮助。我不能省略任何东西,因为如果你在写回忆录,那么你就不能挑挑拣拣。做这样一件私人的事情是件大事——但这对我来说非常重要。”

Although the autobiography briefly mentions the flings she had in the early days with fellow comics Ben Elton,the late Rik Mayall and Harry Enfield (who dumped her,the churl),this is not an indiscreet  kis-and-tell.’Comedians at that time weren’t married with children,so [our  flings]weren’t serious stuff,like breaking up a marriage’,she says.’It was connecting physically and psychologically at a really exciting time.’


Instead,the only thing she bares in the memoir is her soul,as she explores how ‘a short,asthmatic show-off’became hooked on the adrenaline of counting the audience’s laughs,night after night,in one of the most dangerously addictive areas of showbusiness.


The child of an immigrant Czech-Jewish father and an English mother Lederer has mixed with the most and least privileged in the land.Before studying acting at the Central School of Speech and Drama she spent 18 months as a panicky young social worker for needy,problem-plagued families in North London’s Kentish Town.She was ‘let go’by Camden Council-‘Helen,you can either leave or you can leave immediately,’her team leader memorably put it.

莱德勒的父亲是捷克裔犹太移民,母亲是英国人,她与这片土地上最富裕和最贫困的阶层都有过接触。在中央演讲和戏剧学院学习表演之前,她曾在伦敦北部的肯特镇担任了 18 个月的贫困青年社会工作者,为贫困户和问题家庭提供帮助。她被卡姆登议会“解雇”了——“海伦,你要么走,要么马上走”,她的团队领导令人印象深刻地说道。

‘I would go to bed worrying and wake up worrying,’she says.’I was just trying to be helpful.I was very naive and well-intentioned but I couldn’t sustain it,doing a job where you have to be near a panic button.’Yet 30 years later she came good as a successful ambassador for The Prince’s Trust,helping vulnerable young people to get their lives back on track.

“我带着忧虑入睡,醒来后依然忧心忡忡,”她说道,“我只是想提供帮助。我当时非常天真,意图也很好,但我无法坚持下去,做一份必须时刻警惕的工作。”然而 30 年后,她成功成为王子信托会的形象大使,帮助弱势年轻人重新回到正轨。

‘When I was young,my crushes were Rowan Atkinson and Prince Charles,’she confides.’Charles is funny-and I like men who have irony,because that to me is heaven.He sent me off once to do a programme about his favourite bad poet,William McGonagall.And Camilla has always,always been friendly-just amazing,one of those warm people.’


Lederer’s story is very much about being ahead of her time,but unfortunately pioneers don’t always get the credit they deserve.As Ben Elton pointed out,she is’one of the early-and not sufficiently recognised-heroes of alternative comedy’.


Her expressive baby face,clectric-blue eyes and gift for observational comedy have since made her one of the industry’s most recognisable and versatile character actresses.She is best known for TV shows such as The Young Ones,Girls on Top,Bottom,Happy Families and Absolutely Fabulous,as well as radio shows such as her self-penned Life With Lederer on Radio 4 in 1990.Yet despite her decades of work,Lederer,now 69,tells me she still considers herself ‘no high status and not that easily categorised. But I can work a room…’


Dawn Frenchand Jennifer Saunders followed hot on ederer’s heels at London’s star-making Comedy Store back in the early 1980s,and she can’t help comparing herself with the dynamic duo.The entertainment industry ruthlessly divided people into’top-of-the-bill and the rest’,and there was an unofficial quota system for funny women on television,lest allowing in too many of these weird creatures at once might upset the male-dominated apple cart.

上世纪80年代初,在伦敦的造星工厂——喜剧商店(Comedy Store),道恩·法兰奇和珍妮弗·桑德斯紧随莱德勒之后崭露头角,她不禁将自己与这对充满活力的搭档进行比较。娱乐业无情地将人们分为“一线明星”和“其他”,电视上对搞笑女性的名额也存在非官方的配额制度,以免同时允许太多这样的“怪异生物”出现,从而扰乱男性主导的圈子。

Sexism ruled. Lederer’s book recalls a former BBC executive saying when he arrived at one event: ‘Don’t laugh,this is the wife.’ He was taking his cue from the kind of dinosaur comedians who made crass gags about mothers-in-law. A reporter colleague of mine once told me she was groped with impunity by another former BBC top dog at a media lunch during the 1980s,which doesn’t surprise Lederer.’People in positions of power assumed they could do that and not lose their jobs,’she says.


Although funny women are everywhere in broadcasting now, she believes that ‘it’s not an equal playing field at all for older women’. Yet she should feel proud of a consistently wide-ranging career that has encompassed everything from fiction-her 2015 debut novel Losing It was nominated for the Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse Prize-to being herself in 2017’s Celebrity Big Brother.


She does full justice to serious subjects too. In 2012 she made a documentary, War Hero in My Family, about her Czech ancestors.Her Jewish immigrant grandfather Arnost Lederer had eavesdropped on German prisoners at Trent Park during the Second World War after being recruited by British Intelligence because he spoke their language.


Five years after War Hero in My Family the BBC reality series Home Front Hero uncovered another family secret, about her mother Anne’s work for the code-breakers at Bletchley Park. ‘I was thinking this might have been where my mother’s passion for crosswords began,’ she writes, wishing she had been able to ask her about that vital war work.


Her father died of a heart attack aged 52, when she was 21, and her mother just weeks before Lederer’s second marriage to GP Chris Browne in 1999. She admits that she has suffered from depression in the past, triggered by bereavement and from inheriting her usually ebullient father’s occasional dark moods, but then what comedian has not? It’s a gruelling game, although she maintains she still loves it.


In entertainment, timing is everything, and it’s a shame that by the time the career-changing film role that could have been made for Lederer was being cast she was the wrong age for it.


The journalist Helen Fielding’s 1996 comic novel Bridget Jones’s Diary, based on her newspaper column about the daily trials and chaotic life of a fictional thirtysomething, was the global best-seller that gave birth to so-called ‘chick-lit’.

记者海伦·菲尔丁(Helen Fielding)于1996年创作的喜剧小说《BJ单身日记》(Bridget Jones’s Diary)基于她的报纸专栏,该专栏讲述了虚构的三十多岁女性的日常生活困境和混乱,这本小说是全球畅销书,催生了所谓的“女性读物”(chick-lit)。

Lederer, however,could be said to have got there first in the 1980s with her chaotic prototype-Bridgets, of whom the best known was the ditzy, hard-drinking Girl at the Bar in BBC2’s Naked Video sketch show series from 1986 to1991. When the film version of Bridget Jones’s Diary came out in 2001 Lederer was on the cusp of her 50s.


This is why American A-lister Renée Zellweger is once again on location in London for the fourth Bridget film, to be released next year, while Lederer is busy promoting her memoir about the snakes-and-ladders nature of showbusiness. The irony is not lost upon her, though she doesn’t dwell on it. ‘Renée really nailed her English accent, ‘ she concedes, ‘but yes, I would have liked to play Bridget…’

这就是为什么美国一线明星蕾妮·齐薇格(Renée Zellweger)再次来到伦敦拍摄第四部《BJ单身日记》电影(将于明年上映),而莱德尔则忙于宣传她的回忆录,书中讲述了娱乐圈中起起落落的本质。她意识到了这种讽刺,但并没有过多纠结于此。“蕾妮的英式口音真的很棒,”她承认道,“但是的,我本希望能扮演布里奇特……”

In her memoir she’s ahead of her time again in the unflinching way she depicts her experiences with theatrical agents – one of whom stole her and other performers’money. It should be required reading at drama schools. To paraphrase Noel Coward: don’t put your daughter into stand-up, Mrs Worthington, until you’ve read Lederer’s cautionary tales.

在她的回忆录中,她再次以毫不妥协的方式描绘了自己与戏剧经纪人的经历,这种方式再次让她走在了时代的前列——其中一位经纪人偷走了她和其他演员的钱。这本书应该是戏剧学院学生的必读书目。借用诺埃尔·考沃德(Noel Coward)的话来说:沃辛顿夫人,在你让你的女儿从事单口喜剧之前,请先读读莱德尔的警示故事。

She also shines a light on the way many women felt they had to behave in the pre-#MeToodays,when ‘we were living like the men were-and I was never good at saying no’. She does confess, however, that when a producer insisted she come back to his room she got out of it by bursting into tears.


Her book has won her celebrity admirers already for telling it like it is (and was). Ben Elton called her ‘funny, wise, brilliant and brave’, while Stephen Fry pays tribute to her ‘very, very smart brain and warm and kindly heart’. Joanna Lumley considers her ‘funny,adorable and dazzling’, while Jo Brand hails her progress ‘through the comedy swamp of the 1980s’ as ‘fascinating, poignant and laugh-out-loudy’ .


For years after her first marriage collapsed her personal life was just herself, her career and her beloved Hannah, until a chance encounter gave her a second act. She met Dr Chris Browne when she was 44 at a Freemasons’ Ball. It was a very Sliding Doors moment that might never have happened, since both of them nearly didn’t go to the event. They have been very happy ever since, with the supportive, semi-retired Browne driving her to many of her gigs. ‘I’m a stepmother to three, ‘ says Lederer. ‘Chris’s children were young adules when heand I met. It’s not a chocolate-boxy kind of blended family, we just all respect each other. I see myself, maybe arrogantly, as an individual, not as a role [in her stepchildren’s lives]. It would be so false – “and now let’s make some brownies together!”- although I am getting excited about Chris’s 17-year-old grandson studying film.But I’m not a matriarch at Christmas – no way, I would be on the booze!’


One of her legacies will be the literary prize she launched in 2018 for comic fiction written by women, the Comedy Women in Print Award, after having served on the judging panel of the Women’s Prize For Fiction. ‘It became a way of addressing my anger from the 1980s at the lack of parity compared to men, while giving something back, ‘she writes.

她留下的遗产之一是她于2018年设立的文学奖项,该奖项针对女性创作的喜剧小说,名为“喜剧女性印刷奖”(Comedy Women in Print Award),此前她曾担任女性小说奖的评委会成员。“这成为了我表达上世纪80年代与男性相比缺乏平等所感到的愤怒的一种方式,同时也是一种回馈,”她写道。

Next year she plans to tour when the paperback of Not That I’m Bitter is out. ‘I love the adrenaline of festivals. ‘I enjoy that thing of someone welcoming guests and asking them about themselves.


It sounds like she’s found a new, much kinder comedy arena that she has made her own.


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