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Doug Mills, a veteran photographer for The New York Times who has been taking photographs of presidents since 1983, was only feet away from former President Donald J. Trump at the rally in Butler, Pa., when shooting started.

He spoke with Victor Mather about the experience.

Doug Mills(道格·米尔斯)是《纽约时报》的一位资深摄影师,自1983年以来一直为总统们拍照。在宾夕法尼亚州巴特勒的集会上,当枪击开始时,他距离前总统唐纳德·J·特朗普只有几步之遥。他向维克多·马瑟讲述了这段经历。

What did you see and hear today?今天你看到、听到了什么?

It was a very standard, typical rally. The former president was maybe an hour late. The crowd had been hot all day. Donald J. Trump arrived, waving to the crowd, just like any other rally he does.

There’s a pool of photographers, maybe four of us, who were in what is called the buffer area just a couple feet from the former president. We were all jostling around in there trying to get our normal pictures.




All of a sudden, there was what I thought were three or four loud pops. At first I thought it was a car. The last thing I thought was it was a gun.

I kept taking pictures. He went down behind the lectern, and I thought, “Oh my God, something’s happened.”

Then all the agents started running on the stage, and they basically completely covered him. I could hear them yelling. At first someone saying, “Sir, sir, sir.”





With that, the counter-snipers, also members of the Secret Service, whom we rarely see unless they’re on a roof or something, they come up out of nowhere and were up on the stage holding automatic rifles.

I went from one side of the stage to another to see if I could see him any better. And that’s when he got up and put his fist in the air. And I thought, “He’s alive, he’s alive.”

I could see blood on his face. I kept taking pictures. As tough as he looked in that one picture with his fist looking very defiant, the next frame I took, he looked completely drained. Very, very shocked.

As he came down the steps, the Secret Service completely covered him in a blanket of people and they walked him all the way to his SUV.





What happened in the aftermath?之后发生了什么?

I turned around and I saw people screaming and heard somebody had been shot in the crowd. They held us in Trump’s normal holding tent for probably 30 minutes.



When we came out we saw the littered field, plastic bottles, cellphones, a motorized wheelchair just abandoned.


In your career, have you ever been in a similar situation?在您的职业生涯中,您是否遇到过类似的情况?

I’ve always feared being in this situation. I always wondered what I’d do in this situation. I hope I get the right shot. I hope I’m not shot myself.

At first I thought right away, “Could I be shot?” It was scary.

I’ve never been in a more horrific scene. As much as I’ve covered presidents for 35 to 40 years, it’s not something I ever wanted to witness.

There were a lot of members of his staff backstage crying, I got lots of hugs all just saying, “I’m so glad we’re OK.”

I never envisioned being in a situation like this.







I’ve always feared being in this situation. I always wondered what I’d do in this situation.



下面以这句话为例“I could see blood on his face. I kept taking pictures. As tough as he looked in that one picture with his fist looking very defiant, the next frame I took, he looked completely drained. Very, very shocked.”

这里使用了“blood”, “tough”, “defiant”, “drained”, “shocked”等词汇,生动地描绘了特朗普总统在枪击事件后的不同情绪状态,从坚强到疲惫再到震惊,情感层层递进。


下面以这句话为例“I turned around and I saw people screaming and heard somebody had been shot in the crowd. They held us in Trump’s normal holding tent for probably 30 minutes.”

该文通过“turned around”, “saw people screaming”, “heard somebody had been shot”等细节动作和感官描述,让读者仿佛置身于现场,感受到那种紧张和混乱的氛围。同时,“held us in Trump’s normal holding tent for probably 30 minutes”也提供了具体的时间和空间信息,增强了文章的真实感。

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